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"Democrats are lost" You're really a nazi?????????????????????????????????? (NT)
"Democrats are lost" You're really a nazi?????????????????????????????????? (NT)
8/1/2022 2:59:51 PM
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A few democrats with a clear head
Old Guy 7/31/2022 1:26:55 PM
Done cherry picking?
bladeslap 7/31/2022 11:36:43 PM
And yet you have no argument, hummmmmm
observer II 8/1/2022 7:08:46 AM
Oh dear Obsy
bladeslap 8/1/2022 10:12:10 AM
Democrats are lost
Shooting Shark 8/1/2022 11:55:35 AM
Democrats are lost
Shooting Shark 8/1/2022 12:03:32 PM
Democrats are lost
Shooting Shark 8/1/2022 12:15:06 PM
"Democrats are lost" You're really a nazi?????????????????????????????????? (NT)
TheCrow 8/1/2022 2:59:51 PM
To answer a question directly- evolution continues.
TheCrow 8/1/2022 3:13:59 PM
Do you think?
bladeslap 8/1/2022 12:22:17 PM
Do you think?
Shooting Shark 8/1/2022 12:36:06 PM
Do you think?
bladeslap 8/2/2022 6:16:16 AM