Where have I offered support for "A MARXIST SOCIETY!"?
Where have I criticised a free market economy?
When was America a "free market economy"? Never, and not contemplated by the Founding Fathers:
The Constitution spoke directly to economic issues. Article 1, section 8 stated that "Congress shall have Power To Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises"; and further gave Congress the power "[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States." These two clauses outline a new rationale for federal power. The authors of the Constitution looked on central government to troubleshoot and regulate economic life, rather than fearing that the federal government might dominate economic and political life. The same section goes on to give the central government the power to standardize the rules of bankruptcy and to invest the federal government with the powers to coin and borrow money, to declare war, and to provide for armies and navies.
The true conservative position would align with the Constitution not a libertarian corruption.
The American economy is a compromise between a controlled capitalist economy and a free market.
Now if you were a conservative you would know that, and you would understand that any child in a free market place will be cared for and can become a useful, productive member...
I would be interested in seeing the structure, documents that even suggest that is so. The last government orphanage I saw was closed in the late '70s.
"... for you it is reasonable to kill a child than care for it."
I never said that. Typical Trumpist hyperbole.
How many orphanages, foundling homes or whatever do you support? None?