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"Trump for prison" Won't ever happen. Too rich, too powerful and knows wher

"Trump for prison" Won't ever happen. Too rich, too powerful and knows wher  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/30/2022 12:43:03 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"Trump for prison"

Won't ever happen. Too rich, too powerful and knows where the bodies are buried.

I doubt he'll ever be indicted- except maybe here, in Georgia. Georgia Republicans moved away from Trump,  lead by Gov. Kemp and SoS Raffensperger who resisted Trump's attempt to conspire to corrupt the 2020 election.

Gerogia is conservative, but not Trumplican, an exception in the Deep South:

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Trump for prison +3/-0 Mr Cooper 6/30/2022 7:26:53 AM