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"You voted for this" Uh, no- I didn't Her constituency of 779,824 people

"You voted for this" Uh, no- I didn't Her constituency of 779,824 people   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/17/2022 5:58:49 PM  +5/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"You voted for this"

Uh, no- I don't live in her constituency of 779,824 people is only 0.23% of the American population and don't know what issues they wish represented.

Remember, we elect people to represent us in Congress?


I guess TrumpeRINOs can't read, can't count and are generally paraoid.

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You voted for this +3/-4 Old Guy 6/17/2022 5:40:20 PM