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"You sound worried ballslap???" I don't know about 'bladeslap' but I'm

"You sound worried ballslap???" I don't know about 'bladeslap' but I'm   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/30/2021 2:26:17 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I don't know about 'bladeslap' but I'm worried that another Trump presidential campaign will get Biden or another Democrat elected. Trump's candidacy was the only reason Biden, the perpetual third Democratic 'third choice/runner-up' was elected.

The Democrats are historically a fragmented, factioned party varying from 'yellow-dogs' to liberals to socialists, only united by an aversion to the Mar a Lago Madman- thank god for Joe, a center left candidate 'also ran' for decades.

But, yes- I am worried that Trump has destroyed conservative Republicanism. The Donald is not conservative nor Republican nor an American patriot. A vindictive narcissist and paranoid sociopath. Besides which, he is a serial liar, cheat and a thief.

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Trump not running in 2024, but he wants to make you think he is +2/-0 bladeslap 11/28/2021 9:49:57 PM